Welcome, I am NANCI PEREZ GUERRERO real estate agent in Florida. I can help you find your property or business with a professional market knowledge service with more than 25 years of residence in the United States.
I work with a group of professionals from different areas: lawyers from immigration, real estate lawyers, accountants, financial consulting and title companies. We will advise you in a comprehensive way from the first minute until we give you the key to your home or business.
Licensed in Real Estate OPTIMAR
International Realty
LIC #3408115
[email protected]
APP NANCI GUERRERO REALTOR http://onelink.to/b5p874

If you are interested in settling in the USA, you will find an entire team of professionals at your service with valuable information.

I am real estate professional. Contact me if you are considering buying, selling or renting. You can always count on professional and knowledgeable service Spanish speaking with connections to Latin American buyers and investors